Binge Behavior & Social Media

Social Media: Are we addicted or simply bingeing?

Addiction and bingeing behaviors are not the same…although they many times get lumped into the same conversations.  I have been incredibly curious about our social media and device behaviors since I listened to a podcast by Dr. Sanjay Gupta titled Chasing Life.  If you have not listened, it is definitely worth your time.  He is a neurosurgeon and in the podcast series he takes a look at our social media behaviors through the lens of professionals….and his own daughters.  It  was one conversation with a professional that had me thinking.  Are we addicted to social media?  Or are we simply bingeing it?

A quick google search of the definition of the two words provides basic information that seems to focus alot on food and drugs/alcohol.  The definition for binge is a period of excessive indulgence in an activity, especially eating, drinking, or taking drugs. And for addiction is the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.  Any further research around addiction and binge behavior as it relates to social media comes up incredibly empty.  Which reminds me how new we still are to this social media thing.

If we take a look at addiction, it is considered a brain disorder, because it involves functional changes to brain circuits involved in reward, stress, and self-control.  Which one could argue happens with social media use.  Our brains are following a path that is algorithm driven.  It appeals directly to our reward centers, leaving us with what feels like very little self control.  We crave the next “hit”.  Many times we are looking for the feel good hit, but we  must acknowledge that the “hit” of something shocking, or disturbing also holds an appeal.  This is where it becomes dangerous for our youth in that natural curiosity can take the place of good decision making.  The more we look, the more we want.  And the algorithm continues to support and encourage this behavior.  Much like a drug addict seeking drugs.

However, if we look at our behavior in the context of a binge disorder…such as food…it makes sense.  For example, as a drug addict one can live  without the drugs.  The person can go into rehab, remove the drugs and put in place an appropriate support system to remain drug free.  With social media and devices, we have moved into an era where we almost can not function without them.  Just as one with a binge eating disorder cannot live without food.   Everything from work, school and social lives are connected by a device.  So in reality we can not simply remove the addiction.  We must learn new behaviors and coping strategies, just as one does with a binge eating disorder.  So our behavior closely resembles a binge disorder.  How do we combat this?  We learn new behaviors with monitoring systems to support us.  It may look like setting a timer on our phone so that we are reminded to get off the device after 30 minutes.  Or the phone is turned off and moved to the other room at night.  There are, ironically, apps that provide support and reminders to unplug.

I am still uncertain if it is addiction, binge behavior or if with this new generation of tech… we are just sitting with both.  I do know, that neither is a positive way to support our bodies.  If you feel that you are addicted or bingeing your social media, please reach out to your local counselor or coach and ask for help in navigating the behavior.  Just like any disorder it can feel incredibly hard to carry and navigate on your own.


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