Kristi Bush Kristi Bush

The kitchen Table

Remember when everything happened at the kitchen table. Growing up breakfast, lunch and dinner was served here and everyone was expected to show up. As a kid you were held until you asked to be excused. Hard decisions were made with elbows on scratched wood. The good plates were brought out for birthdays, Thanksgiving and Christmas… and set up just a bit more fancy than the usual. Kids arguing, laughing, playing when they shouldn’t all happened there. Bad news was gently given…usually served with a cup of coffee or glass of sweet tea. Happy news was served with the same drinks at the same table. Everyone had “their” chair. Once claimed it was yours forever. The table has food stains, hot mug rings, and permanent pen marks that are now a… permanent… part of the wood. The kitchen table tells a story. It is, or was, where life was lived.

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Kristi Bush Kristi Bush

X’s new stance: embracing pornography.  How do we safeguard our kids?

X, per new policy guidelines, is allowing pornography. There are no parental controls on X. Because it is considered an adult app. So the only thing standing between your kid and a twitter education on porn and sexuality is a fake birthday. Read that again. We know that our youth are experiencing a mental health crisis. Teens are still forming their sense of self and developing values and beliefs. Exposure to explicit content on sites like X can lead to confusion, distorted views of sexuality, and body image issues. Pornography often portrays unrealistic and exaggerated depictions of sex and relationships. Teenagers who are exposed to this content, again, may develop unrealistic expectations about sex, intimacy, and body image, which can negatively impact their future relationships and sexual experiences.

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Unplugged & Liberated: Re-entry is hard.

What I wasn’t prepared for was after 30 days off-screen, re-entry felt like a complete attack to my senses in the most rude way possible.  The time off allowed me to re-connect with what feels right and good and important in life.  As much as I lecture on this, I discovered I have slowly fallen into the screen connection trap…which led to my  feelings of imbalance and frustration. And re-entry was threatening my new sense of peace. Which begged the question, how the hell do I go back to a job that I love without immersing myself in what caused all of this crap in the first place? I gave myself May 1 as a re-entry date. The closer the date crept, I begin to feel increasingly anxious. Frustrated. Could I just….quit? Maybe I would just continue to do coaching only and wholly remove myself from social media forever. As Brene Brown has said in her recent podcast series “We are not socially, biologically, cognitively and spiritually wired for some of the shit going down right now.” I felt this statement in my bones. And my bones were afraid to get back on that wheel.

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